Example: Arachnophobia -> arachnophilia. Who doesn't love spiders?! :D
Apeirophilia is thus the love of eternity and infinity, and I have it.
This is a continuation of the topic of my previous post, which was centered on the article about apeirophobia I had found.
As opposed to sharing such a phobia, myself I'm absolutely fascinated with the infinite. To explain my fascination, let's look once more at some of the reasons given in the article for the fear of eternity:
"Where does this fear come from? A realization that an eternal afterlife could become infinitely repetitive? The recognition that one lacks control over their own destiny?"
Lack of control is something I dislike as well, but one way or another there's nothing we could do about it. If instead of having an eternal existence it would turn out the materialists were right and there's nothing after death then we'd have no control over that either - or in that case even less control, I should say, since there'd be no more chance to ever again control anything at all (since you obviously first need to exist in order to control anything).
But as for eternal existence becoming repetitive... here's a guy explaining in this interesting video that mathematically, infinity does include infinitely many copies indeed. But note that the numbers he's talking about are absolutely crazy huge - vastly larger than a googol (10^100) and even vastly larger than a googolplex (10^10^100), and see for yourself in the linked Wikipedia articles how insanely huge those already are.
But note that the video is titled "Is anything possible?" (and also that his name is "Sharkee", which is just a coincidence I guess and I don't know why, LOL). And this is the reason why I love infinity: for the infinite possibilities! Just ignore the copies, why bother with them? No harm in them, just let them be... instead focus on the rest.
In order to fill up an infinite universe, those infinite possibilities will certainly come into play too. As Sharkee says in the video, anything that has a probability higher than zero to happen will happen. Since I'd think a multiverse is a distinct possibility, even in the opinions of many physicists, infinity means the multiverse exists. Which means if anything is impossible in this universe due to its physical laws, there could (and probably would) be other universes in which the same thing would be perfectly possible- and thus the title of the video could be answered with Yes, anything is possible!
Anything. All the wonders and all the horrors. And being the dark soul that I am you know I'm not biased against the latter. I'm a free and forever rebellious spirit, and a good measure of rebellion is needed, and of some creative "thinking outside the box", since I'm still caught in my rather lonely position:
- On the one side, materialism: "Only matter exists. After death there is nothing."
- On the other side, mainstream religion: "We all are one in god."
NO!!! Both are the same bullshit, and I reject them both, nearly equally. I do hate the tyrant god a lot more though than the prospect of nonexistence, but in both cases my current existence would be meaningless.
I do believe in my future life, and in a place for myself - which can not be with the tyrant god! - and therefore I love infinity.
How narrow minded is it to believe there are only two possibilities.
When there can be INFINITE possibilities!