Sunday, July 22, 2018

Diane jumps the shark

First I'm demonstrating a box jump.
And then I'm gonna really jump the shark.

In fact, since that's not braggadocious enough, I'm gonna jump two at a time!

Friday, July 13, 2018

Diane meets two Christians

A chance encounter downtown that led to a conversation I consider meaningful.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

My eyes are terrifying

...and I don't know why. Relating to a dream... at least mostly.
I'm also explaining in the video that the goal of Satanists is by no means to "piss off Christians", as some of the latter seem to belief. If you're a Christian, or a Jew or a Muslim, I don't hate you for it and I'm not at war with you - it's your God I'm at war with, not you. At least no longer, because nowadays there's no need. Back in my Master's time, in my past life, it was very different.
But nowadays I could stand at the town square and shout aloud that I worship Satan, and I could start preaching to the crowd if I so chose. They might say, "That kid is totally nuts, look at her, she lost her marbles!" But they couldn't drag me away to burn me at the stake for it, and for this I'm grateful. I don't pick fights. I wage war only where my own freedom is at stake or infringed upon.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Diane is drunk & rambling

Talking about... all I can really think about, my beautiful Master.
Right, here's the one thing I still failed to mention: There's been confusion various times when people thought, especially fellow Satanists, that I was talking about Satan when I said "my Master".
I wouldn't do that, especially since I do have other Satanists in my friends list - if at all, it should be "our" Master then, right?
No, to me My Master is the one I came to know as Satan's son, and who once was a mortal man, albeit a mighty witch, who lived on Earth in the late 17th century - just as in the start of the movie; otherwise the story line in it is of course fictional. But this is my Master, whose companion I am and whom I adore - the person the character is based on. It's a spiritual relationship with its origin in a past life.

So often I wish he could just take me home. Why wait? What to wait for?
Maybe this is the year of the Great Apocalypse. I sure hope so.