...yes, that's right. Her name is Sharkira and she's not endangered because she's mine...
but her relatives in the oceans are endangered. Very seriously. They're being senselessly murdered by the tens of millions each year!
Since the 1970's, the numbers of many shark populations have dropped by up to 95% - most recent numbers I read even say 99% for some species such as tiger sharks. :(
It doesn't cost you anything, just a signature!
It goes without saying that I signed all of the below, and a whole bunch more over the years.
Stop Shark Finning!
Urge governments to protect sharks
Urge ornanizations to cease the sale of shark fin soup
Ban shark fin soup in the US
No permits for shark finning!
Stop exporting shark fins from Peru
Call for a Global Ban on Shark Finning!
Take the No Shark Fin Pledge
More petitions from Shark Savers:
And another great site with comprehensive info & petitions - I'm on their mailing list!
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