Sunday, March 16, 2014


 And so another busy but productive week has passed. On Monday I had to ride to Cologne (pictured above: famous Cologne Cathedral) for an appointment - so I could save myself some cardio workout because the ride there is nearly 20 miles, taking nearly 2 hours (and back the same).
I've also been busy with this stuff:

 ...the beadwork or the weird writing underneath it, you ask? Both, of course! The beadwork is sort of a commission for a friend, and the writing is work for the nuclear science online course I'm attending. The second week (of eight) was finished with the 2nd weekly exam today, and I'm proud to have a score of 10.00 out of 10.00 again! Some complicated calculations for the radioactive decay constant from the given half life of an isotope were introduced in the past week, but I was lucky, they didn't appear in the exam. :)

 Fortunately the weather has been very nice for the early season, so despite being very busy I also had to take the time for a brief visit at the botanic garden and had to find that most of the crocuses are already gone, it's an early spring this year, instead the daffodils are in full blossom already, as well as this beautiful magnolia tree and the catkins.

 I also finished my new dream catcher which is hanging above my bed now. Yes, with a "radioactive", black heart, black as mine. But it glows in the dark. I don't remember where I once found the rippled hoop, probably on the trash... or at the roadside, as usual. It hasn't caught anything much for me so far though... I've simply been too busy with all kinds of other stuff, I'm afraid, although the work on awareness ought to be a central focus of life.
I found a pretty nice spot outside to sit and meditate when the weather is nice. I'm glad when I can simply be outside again without being cold and miserable.
I was discussing with some friends on Facebook how I love beautiful things, mostly things of nature, large and small - how the beauty of nature is really a very important thing in my life. I remember that one day when I had arrived in Amsterdam and settled in the youth hostel located at the Vondelpark, it was early evening and I went out once more into the park which has several ponds that are all interconnected with little bridges in between. I lay down on the low, wide wall that was the railing of one such bridge and stared up into the sky, how the branches of the tall trees stretched up high into the blue there and little white clouds were floating past, and me just staring into that blue, just staring... how beautiful it was. - And no, I had NOT smoked any weed! Just mentioning it because it's Amsterdam...LOL, but I don't need that, Amsterdam is beautiful for so many more reasons! And so is Nature,and just staring into deep blue skies or endless horizons.

The other day at the gym, a bumblebee had come inside, I saw it buzzing around at the window which was only a crack open, unable to find the way back out. I carefully caught it in my towel and searched for a wider open window (the windows have no handles and can only be opened by staff) but couldn't find one, so just a crack wide had to do. I brought the bee there to the open crack and said, "now go," and slightly blew at it, and it flew away into freedom. I hadn't noticed though that a young guy had attentively followed me, apparently he had been wondering what this mean and brutal looking amazon was going to do to the poor bee... LOL
He smiled and gave me a thumbs up,and I smiled back and returned the gesture. When he went back to his two friends I overheard him saying to them, "a good heart... she brought it outside."
Well, I'm pretty doubtful if that's a way to put it... me, a "good heart", LOL! (Black and radioactive, remember...) But I do certainly have a heart for beauty, and I wouldn't ever harm something so beautiful. I love bumblebees. It looked much like this one, with its velveteen fur with the distinct, bright yellow stripes, just look how beautiful it is!

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