I have a new book, and despite the somewhat uncreative sounding title, as also pointed out by some reviewers, it's a pretty good one, giving one quick chapter with a specific exercise for each day. Some of the exercises may be a bit difficult to carry out spontaneously, for instance when asked to try for a dream finding a solution for a question about some creative work I couldn't come up with any right at this point - but I did vaguely dream about some beadwork. When asked to dream about some personal dilemma to find a solution for, likewise so - although I do have a personal problem I'm very anxious to solve: the fact that I still don't have lucid dreams! But could I find a solution to this in a dream??
And putting up a personal "lucidity symbol" in one's sleeping environment? That's been hanging above my bed for a long time now (handmade by me, of course) and I can't think of any better one.
I guess I'm probably a difficult student.
Then on day 10 I stalled the program (the book says there's no need to complete the program in 30 days, one can as well take longer) because I hoped so much to accomplish the specific task for this day (which would have been Sunday night): To incubate a dream about a place, time period, or event of once choice to experience in a dream and then to become lucid when arriving there. So I had hoped so much to witness something I find extremely fascinating and have always wished to witness but have no chance to ever see in waking life, and it would be ideal to do in a dream - perfectly safe and also harmless to the environment.
I'm still trying to get a dream about this - so far no luck yet, not even non-lucid. Maybe it's the wrong attitude, but my reasoning is that it's pointless to try a 100 kg bench press without having accomplished an 80 and 90 kg one first. That's why I feel I should try to accomplish this one before moving on to further dream exercises.
So I keep studying stuff about lucid dreaming and OBEs... as well as about nuke tests.
Here's one of my all-time-fave videos, with a beautiful, eerie soundtrack.
No, it's not pointless, maybe trying too hard though does not push you forward? But you are right, if you need exercise (I am glad I never had to read any books, I'm lucid quite often, I can't explain exactly why but to me, music has always been helpful, when I have a good tune on my earphones or just in my head I mostly get lucid) try with small steps...now this might be helpful or not, so, if I say you "gotta" don't do it when you think it's not useful, I am afraid I am not a good teacher, but this is just an idea: you gotta find sth. you can really keep in mind perfectly. For me that's nothing material, but songs...I can play songs in my brain like they sound 100% when I play em from CD or record, and I always take these to my dreams. Last night I had "Wind-Up Toy" by Alice Cooper playing, all night long in my dream...I am not far enough to skip the song by now, when I go to sleep with one song in my head that'll be the one for the night ha ha, but exactly as it is in the waking world from start to end. For you it might be an object (picture) or something. That can also be the symbol for lucidity. But it has to be sth. you really love I guess and can imagine more than well. If you look at it for a couple of days before sleeping I am sure one night you'll take it to a dream, and that is a great first step, take something from your personal waking world INTO a dream! I always take my songs...at least one of em. I don't have a special one at all though just always pick one that's been in my head mostly for the day or that I listened to last. Always works...even if I am not lucid, music is constantly played in all of my dreams. I always wake up with the tune I fell asleep with in my head :) cos I love all these songs also, so, find something you love and take into a dream. It can be anything...a song, an object, maybe just a word to start with. If that doesn't make sense, sorry...just trying to be of help. Hoing for u to progress!