Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Bunk Bed Ahoi!

Today is a little anniversary as it's been exactly one year ago that my bed was delivered to me in the early afternoon, in the shape of two flat, narrow, but nearly 7 foot long cardboard boxes containing an assortment of timbers and some bags of screws and nuts, and I would spend the rest of the day assembling the whole thing and got finished just in time to use it right away - after letting my sharks settle in too, of course.
No, it's not really a bunk bed as it has only one level but I like the fact that it does have this little ladder like one. I still love this thing and I'm hoping for a lot more interesting nocturnal journeys in it.

I just checked, it's still available here, it's named KURA, and yes, it's actually for kids but it's adult sized.  :)

And quite befittingly for this occasion, today I also received some fascinating new reading material I had ordered, to perhaps help along with those nocturnal journeys.

Also, to those who may be wondering about my tattoo mishap related here last time and who may have noticed that this current post is on a much brighter note - my tattoo artist has been so kind to already fix it; he's actually awesome and meant no harm in that first choice of colors.
(I could imagine that a more common kind of girl - not a warrior like me - might actually have liked them. Or she might rather have chosen some flower design over a fierce cobra in the first place...)
So now it's healing for the second time and will hopefully come out fine this time. I'm going to post more about it in the next entry here, along with photos.

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