Monday, October 9, 2017

The winter drawing in...

I miss the squeaky toys in the nocturnal woods. I don't know for sure what they are - some nocturnal animals with screechy voices, always coming from the ground, so they're not birds. Someone suggested they're probably foxes, and I think that's most likely true, but since I can't be perfectly sure I just keep calling them squeaky toys. I miss the beautiful nights up in the woods, staring at the clouds surrounding the moon, or simply into the darkness, bats flitting above my head uttering their strange clicking sounds, and seeing the glowworms by the side of the trail.
But Germany is freezing cold already, way too cold to roam outdoors, especially in the night, and especially for cold blooded creatures like myself. It's in part that reptilian aspect I seem to possess. I may also have Raynaud's disease.

"I feel the winter drawing in, on Hangman's Hyll" (I looove this song!)

Growing out my undercut for the
cold season.

Running yesterday went well again though. I was miserably cold only during the first mile or so, the first of about eight. In 64 minutes. That may sound awfully slow for a young pro athlete, but it was over 100 m elevation, up, halfway down, up once more, and part of the way up extremely muddy trails, in the rain. I stop running outside only when it's less than 40 F, at that point I'll stick to the treadmills. But while I can I prefer the woods, the mud, the real trails, a glimpse of wilderness and freedom.
Today, workout at the gym again. Working to push my chin-ups beyond 20 in one set, 20 is ok but there's only onward and upward.

I miss Amsterdam too, but even if I could afford traveling there more than once a year, right now the long, long winter is ahead, no longer the time to spend all day on a bicycle.
But an afterglow shall remain. It's the month of Halloween, and next Friday will be the 13th. It is a holy time, and this is the way I will see it, this is what I will hold on to - holy to the Infernal Father.
Faith is everything, thus I have been taught, and is all that remains while being swept ever further toward the uncertain, the unknown, the inevitable.

I pray, Satan, Lord, Thy Will be done,
And that each road I travel on
With Thy magic Thou guardest,
Thine Infernal Powers armor me,
That they who would sow harm on me
All but their own ruin harvest

The faith, unbending intent, and the power of a warrior are what I have in my favor, what I must use to venture onward. There seem to be others who are more gifted to sense what lies beyond. There are those who feel irresistibly drawn to it, regardless. For this here is a place of trial.

I made a new cover for my Facebook profile, editing in Photoshop the handwritten invocation verse from my song lyrics "Overhead the Crows". It's so totally at odds now with my current profile pic, because that's the one from the previous entry and it's silly. I don't care. LOL

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