Everything took a lot longer than expected. There was no way to get the WiFi running with the old connection, they're gonna switch it up tomorrow between 8 AM and 5 PM, during which time I'll have no internet at all, so I was told - which doesn't matter because I'll be at the gym first, and I rarely get home from workout any sooner than 5 PM anyway.
I do hope the new router will finally work after that - because if it doesn't it will mean no more internet at all (because I was told the old modem won't work any longer with the new connection), and at a particularly bad time because on Sunday I'll be leaving for Amsterdam, and I'd prefer to do that without such trouble on my mind. And when I get back I'll want to post photos and all.
What's worse is, it would probably mean not only no internet but also no
phone, because my phone will also connect over the new router. I'm a
bit apprehensive regarding my phone anyway since it's basically 1970s
tech, this phone is from a fleamarket and is certainly a lot older than
myself but it's the only kind of phone I've ever had and ever wanted.
Also, back to freezing my ass off. We had some really nice summer days so far, even pretty unusual for the early season - 80s, and you rarely get better than 80s in Germany, even in July & August - but as usual, intermittently. Today I'm sitting at home dressed in a sweater & fleece jacket once more because it's down to 70 F in my room, like back in winter (then with the heat on). And as everyone knows, being a monstertruckin' warrior and otherwise very hardy I'm very poorly equipped for dealing with cold temperatures. 70 F or less is cold temperatures in my book. Outside it was no better than 60 today, at least after it started raining, so I even wore gloves on the bike.
Earlier when I went running, and before the rain, I wore only a top & shorts. 14 K in 75 minutes, including steep hills, mountainbike ramps, & all the mud & puddles & shrubbery. Last run before Amsterdam. LOL
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