And still I'm here. Like a sentinel forgotten at some remote, forsaken outpost. I've always felt that way to some extent, but now even more so, now that I know for sure that this is where I'll die, because until I do I'll never be anywhere else again. Left with only fond memories of past travels to Amsterdam and to Ireland, places now made off limits so much they could as well be on some distant planet in another galaxy, never to be seen again in this lifetime.
And my beloved Viking has departed too. I don't know when exactly, only that his remains emerged by the side of the lake on March 6th, in an advanced state of decay after he had been missing for two month at the time.
He has been and always will be one of my most beloved, and hopefully he'll be awaiting me on the Other Side.
At least my Bumpy and my Rosso and my other darlings are still with me here, and I can call myself fortunate to have these sweet companions on my journey, in these times when humankind has cursed itself in such strange ways. Fortunate also to live at the very outskirts of the city, a rather rural area close to nature, and that I have the professional knowledge I need in order to do my workout with minimal equipment, and very efficiently. I can certainly feel yesterday's leg workout.
I miss the fleamarkets I used to go to. But so far I still got clothes to wear, which are very hard to come by without the markets; unaffordable at most stores, but stores are closed anyway, or accessible only with an idiotic Covid test which is out of the question for me. I'm trying my best to steer clear of all this shit, and I wear a mask only at the grocery stores where it's "required", but even then only my hand-sewn camouflage one. Only once I've been denied entry for this reason, but that was at some upscale shit store anyway. LOL Other than that I think a lot of people are against this tyranny too, or at least I hope so - they can't all be sheeple, now can they?!
To clarify: I'm not saying the pandemic isn't real - although there are people who do, or at least it may be a matter of definition. But regardless, in any case the true enemy is not the virus but the totalitarian measures to supposedly "protect" against it. Those who put such measures in place are the enemies of FREEDOM! And without FREEDOM, life is perfectly worthless. I would never sacrifice my freedom to merely stay alive, but I'll always put my life on the line to defend my freedom!
And don't worry, if I should ever fall ill with this virus or with anything else I will never occupy any "precious" hospital bed, I'll make damn sure no one will ever take me to a hospital which would be my worst nightmare; I'll either survive without any help or I'll die, in the natural way, just like my furry family live and die in their natural ways. Because unlike most people (apparently?) I've long come to terms with the fact that this body I inhabit now is to be mine for only a brief span of time, we all are only passing through here, whether we're embodied as apes or as rodents or something else.
With my Bumpy! |
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