The night before though, the night of the dark moon, I had a very interesting dream, non-lucid but at least very vivid. I had made a list of places I'd still like to travel to and hoping to pick one or two of them for the summer. While I was in the bathroom I then heard a very strange noise outside, like a roaring in the sky, but quite dissimilar to the usual airplanes, so I quickly headed to my balcony in order to investigate its origin. The object I saw flying swiftly across the sky looked like those thingies on some of the jetties in the Rhine river, those high posts, striped in green and white and with a conical "spear head" on top, that are (I think) used to measure the water level when it's high and the jetties get flooded. So this thing in my dream looked like that, except it was striped in red and white instead of green, and this long center rod was surrounded by a cluster of shorter ones without spear heads, making the whole thing resemble a fuel assembly in a nuclear reactor. I knew this object was a missile, and down in the street were some kids also looking up at it and talking loud and excitedly about how this was going to Russia, and thinking this was cool. I don't remember if I said anything to the kids or only thought to myself, "wonderful, and you think there won't be anything coming back here from Russia?!"
I thought how I'd have to revise my travel plans, better stay nearby... well best not to go at all but stay put...
While I was thinking, there was something coming back even much sooner than anticipated - actually right away. I saw two more missiles crossing the sky going out - and then one came in, crashing down pretty nearby. And something else came crashing down even much closer - hitting the building I was in! But this object was rather small and light, it came down with a "plonk" like an empty tub and didn't cause any damage. It had landed only a couple of meters from me. It was white and hollow, egg-shaped, the size of a tiny car. It had split apart into two halves, like two hollow little boats. Out came the single pilot of the tiny craft: a lady, looking about 40 years old; wavy, blonde hair; dressed in purple. She seemed unhurt and greeted me,she said her name was N'dessa, which she then repeated in different intonations which she announced as different (intergalactic?) languages but which all sounded like N'dessa - just different intonations; with the last one her voice sounded really alien and kind of artificial, but still in a very soft and gentle way. It was obvious that she was not from Earth although she looked like an ordinary woman. Her ways were alien, but in a very sophisticated and very likable way. I felt at a loss though, having to tell her I couldn't help her fix her craft, that I had no formal education, and even if so... those in authority here on my backward planet were now busy with their silly war and unlikely to be inclined to help her. N'dessa was so calm and unshaken, I wondered if she knew about this war and if it had been due to the missiles that her little spacecraft had been damaged. I felt so stupid next to her, I felt all humanity was really stupid next to her, and she probably hadn't realized yet on what a stupid planet she had landed.
This encounter left a deep impression and I had to think of her all day.
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