Then again, what the Hell are they doing anything for, really?
I discussed with a friend the other day the great question of why we are, and we found that it can't be answered, but materialists are taking the cop-out via replacing it with how we came to be and explaining it by cosmological and then biochemical processes, and from there they will deduce the answer to why we are as being, "just by accident." Congrats, you have successfully explained the essence of life away!
But let's look into this a bit further to see why such a view in fact declares virtually everything as being immaterial.
So, spirits, including our own, and everything else that can't be seen or touched or at least be detected by scientific instruments does not exist. When you experience a dream it really takes place only inside your head, as an illusion inside the dark confines of your skull. Problem is... so does everything else!
When in waking life you look at, say, a tree, the tree you can see is not real. The reason is in the scientific explanation of the process of seeing. Your eyes detect electromagnetic radiation in the visible range of wavelengths (known as visible light) which is reflected by the tree. A small, electric signal of this input travels via the optic nerves into your brain where this signal is processed into the image of the tree which you think you are seeing in the outside world. This image is really generated by your brain in the same way it generates the images you see in your dreams!
And here is our reductio ad absurdum: Whatever you perceive, whether in waking or dreaming, is the end product of signal processing in your brain. Obviously, this includes the reading of any scientific instruments and measurements. You have no access to the immediate, outside world,but only a reproduction of it generated by your brain - which means you have no way of knowing if there actually is any outside world at all or if all it is is just a virtual reality generated by random signals, an illusion just like the dreams, which takes place entirely inside your brain only. And even the apparent fact that you have a brain and that this is the cause for your awareness and experience has only been deduced from these signaling processes inside it - which means your brain may as well have dreamt up itself.
And this is how all of reality is explained away by the materialist approach.
But it's not as if I had a need to convince anyone - not anyone besides myself, that is, and perhaps those who wish to be convinced just as I do because they find the materialist view just as depressing and unbearably pointless and hopeless as I do.
I'm not here to help anyone, let alone anyone who does not want help. But most people's views are terribly black-and-white, and above all else terribly anthropocentric: Everyone and everything is either good or evil, and is either there to help or to harm human beings. Some have asked me, "but isn't Satan evil?" Guess what - Satan is not human, and thus He is above good and evil and certainly doesn't care for such petty human standards. He isn't there to help nor harm people either. Why should everyone and everything be so terribly obsessed with human beings? In truth it's only humans being obsessed with their own tremendous self-importance. Other beings - be it animals, plants, spirits, or deities - are most likely busy with their own existence. It's true that everything in this world is interconnected, just like the biosphere. Plants depend on sunlight for their energy, and other creatures depend on these plants for theirs, and predators in turn prey on those creatures. But none of them do it in order to help or harm others, they all have their own purposes instead. And so do I. In general I dislike humanity as a whole since it's a very harmful, invasive species, overrunning all other creatures' habitats to lay claim on them, to exploit and destroy them, convinced in their terrible human self-importance that their own right to exist by far exceeded the rights of all others. But despite my point of view on this I'm usually a surprisingly agreeable person - very rebellious, yes, but never out to provoke because I like to mind my own business and not waste my time, and I will only turn belligerent if someone tries to interfere with my business - and I do have friends and kindred spirits whom I hold very dear. They needn't even share all of my views or interests, but we will simply meet along our paths and share some part of the way, a short or a long part, or perhaps even more. None of it is forced, it's just like this blog of mine: I'm putting it out there, so anyone can read it, but no one has to. There's the opportunity to share or exchange some ideas or insights, and having some meaningful interaction is always awesome, but it's all optional.
I think it's much this way with other, non-human beings, they won't go out of their ways to help you, but they're not out to get you either - they're not good or evil, they're just being themselves.
They may be busy to sustain and protect themselves, and if they happen to be a plant they may use chemical warfare
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