Saturday, February 14, 2015

No love songs here; no Carnival songs either!

So today is double loony day. A f'ing Carnival parade right in my street - I took a little detour on the way home from the gym as to make sure to stay clear of it - and also Valentine's, for all those willing to take the bait and fall into the trap called "love", which is just like heroin and ruins people's lives.
And regarding the Carnival, don't you think it's just me being such a ill-humored person - all the people I talked to at the gym said they can't stand it. Especially one of the trainers, poor guy lives in the old towncenter, right in the midst of the action. It's basically just annoying oompa-loompa music and drunk misbehavior. I'm glad where I live there ain't no pubs in the vicinity and it's basically just a parade for the kids, and now by late afternoon it's already over. But from downtown I'm staying far away these days!

I found this interesting link on Lifehacker today - well, I'm asexual and so I don't have a girlfriend (and I'm saying girlfriend because that would still be at least a lot easier to imagine than a person with a deformed extra limb), but if I did then certainly not one who listened to hip hop!!

Well, I tried that "Sweet Spot" tool anyway, entering Watain as a favorite band. When asked for my girlfriend's fave I entered Corvus Corax, and I got as end result "12 degrees of separation". That sounds quite a lot! Since, as I said, I don't have a girlfriend, who listens to Corvus Corax then?
Answer: I do! Which may serve to prove once again that I have a pretty broad ranging taste in music.
And since I like both bands I ended up with a pretty decent playlist suggestion, I know most of the bands in it and I like them.

I used to think that I don't like Jazz music, but then lately I discovered Dark Jazz, and pretty much by coincidence. I was listening to some Black Metal album on Youtube and hadn't seen that "autoplay" was on for some reason. I had my henna dye in my hair and it was time to wash it out, so I left for the bathroom to do so. In the meantime the music changed, and when I checked it it was this video playing:

It's very psychedelic and certainly far removed from Black Metal, so I got no clue why, but from there I ended up with more such stuff - eventually with The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble.
Like, here:

So I'm certainly not one of those who only ever listen to one single genre and dislike everything else. But yes, it's nearly all somewhat dark for the most part - also including dark ambient, dark electronic, and Gothic - or at least somewhat exotic or mysterious in some ways. But there are some rather hard limits to the kinds of music I find acceptable, and while I'm perfectly fine with folk rock (as given in the example in the Lifehacker article), hip hop is clearly beyond those limits! As well as is most popular, mainstream music.
And since in my experience people's musical preferences are not entirely unrelated to their personalities I'd be very unlikely to end up with a hip hop listening girlfriend. Or in any case such a relationship would be doomed to be rather short-lived...
Thank Satan I'm not burdened with such problems! :)

I'm certainly glad this day is nearly over; Monday will be the main Carnival day with the big parade, but that's fortunately downtown and I'm simply staying away from there, I won't even be at the gym on Monday since that's pretty close to downtown, instead I'll go on a little bike ride into the woods, I guess that's a place all Satanists like to be.
Last but not least I still found this little jewel today, which still makes it a perfectly fine day:

Genuinely Satanic, and very virtuously executed; still absolutely the best!

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