On Saturday I'll have a f'ing parade going in my street,and on Monday is the main, downtown parade. The latter won't bother me though as I'm simply staying away from downtown. Since the weather is forecast to be nice I'll be up in the hills I guess, checking if I can already spot any coltsfoot flowers in the woods.
I've been making some slow progress on my running. I'm by no means a specialized runner but more of an athletic generalist, but still it bothers me to be so miserably slow. Learning for the first time about the 4-minute mile sometime last year frustrated me immensely, of course I started calculating right away since they use kilometers here in Germany and therefore the treadmills also give kilometers per hour (kph), and I found that I'm still far away from even a 5-minute mile,which would require me to run at 20 kph which I can do only for 2 minutes instead of 5. A 4-minute mile would require running at 25 kph, which is the top speed of our treadmills, and which I can do for only 20 seconds so far.
These days I'm working on 22 kph for a full minute; I'm almost there but not quite yet. Last week I managed 47 seconds, then a few days ago 56 seconds, and the other day 58 - missed the mark by only 2 seconds!
I had the idea of inventing a voluntary "euthanasia treadmill", a concept somewhat similar to the euthanasia roller coaster but with a fair chance of survival. The major difference in concept is that you would only use the coaster when you have already definitely decided that you want to end your life.
My device would consist of a regular treadmill with some huge industrial fan behind it whose sharpened blades would act like a shredder. You can set your speed and time on the treadmill and then enter. If you can hold that speed for the time assigned then you've won back your life - you've proven able to perform well enough to carry on!
It should be possible to make a commitment to use that treadmill at regular intervals, say, twice a year. Personally I'd also make the commitment that I'd be allowed to increase the speed and/or time, but I wouldn't be permitted to decrease it ever. That way I'd always be allowed to get better and outdo myself, but never to fall behind.
I'd really appreciate such a machine, and I'd want to make such a commitment. It would afford me some sense of security... if I'm no longer good enough then I'll be gone. To a warrior like me it's better to die than to fall behind. But well, I'll have to find different ways to prove myself worthy.
For now, things are going well. Today, another girl at the gym said that "we all aren't getting any younger." I was like, wait, what? I'm still the same teenager I've always been! - Then again, not... When I actually was a teenager I was fat and crippled. I weighed about the same as I do now, but without muscles. And 75 kg (~165 lbs) is usually very heavy for a girl. I would have been perfectly incapable back then of all the things I can easily do now.So in a way, I've never before been as young as I am right now!!
Certain friends have requested new photos, so I've taken a few with my webcam today - also showing my Cobra tattoo which is also looking good now. By using a lot of green as I requested, my tattoo artist was able to fix the unfavorable colors last time. I know a lot about color and therefore knew that reds and pinks must be offset with green as to give some neutral browns, and this worked out nicely.
I was also able to benefit from some great sale of protein supplements at my gym lately. I don't usually buy their brand as it's too expensive, instead I buy the cheapest in town which is from a local drugstore, but this time I got lucky, and they're all sold out by now.
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You are the Mistress of sharks and dangerous snakes. i'm impressed by Your muscular arms and Your threatening tattoos!