Thursday, July 23, 2015

My music project is coming along

I've kept myself busy with keyboard practice lately and also did a few more recordings.

But besides the videos, I also downloaded a free audio recording program called Audacity which is pretty neat and I can recommend it. It has enabled me to record audio tracks of my songs now; I finished three so far, plus one instrumental version, which I uploaded to Soundcloud and put them in a playlist. (<- find="" p="" right="" them="" there.="">
At this early time I'd say they're still in a pre-demo stage, but nonetheless a good friend of mine took so great a liking to them that she created a page for me on right away (description text by myself).
This may be quite a bit premature as I started at absolute zero just about a month ago but well, I'll try my best to do honor to it.

I never played an instrument before and I can't read musical notation, I'm simply "learning by doing". As I'm a complete autodidact and taught myself virtually everything I know, at least this general process is  something I'm quite familiar with.

So the plan to proceed is: create & practice more new songs, and as I get more proficient I'll eventually also record better versions of the ones I have so far.
All video and audio files are completely unedited, I simply hit "record" and played and sang along. My friend who created the page for me encouraged me to stick with this procedure and I think I will, although the Audacity program does allow for mixing multiple separate tracks, editing them, adding effects, etc.
I may give these functions a try since I'm curious by nature - but I'm also kind of old-fashioned in some ways, I feel too much use of technology may be detrimental to true skill and creativity.
My friend, who knows a lot about music, said that nowadays you will only know whether a musician is really skilled if you hear them live - because all the mixing & editing allows completely untalented people to sound talented. So I prefer to simply hit "record" ad basically play live.

I like to write like this.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Stranger to the Law Divine - II

I can play the song now while singing along.
Ok, it's a rather easy one to play, my first one, and it could probably be played in more advanced ways one day. But it's progress!


Stranger to the Law Divine - lyrics

I'm working on my next one already which is quite a bit more difficult to play. Getting there.

Other than this there's little progress, or actually there is but I'm on my own - and used to it.
Finished with my last orthopedist who was a charlatan, to put it very mildly.
I tried to talk to him about my findings but only got to hear, "Dr. Google won't help you."
Obviously this person has no concept whatsoever of how information works! Granted, he studied medicine and all, but that doesn't give him a license to insult another person's intellect - an intellect which, I daresay, is quite likely to be superior to his own since back when my IQ was tested - NOT by "Dr.Google" but professionally in the psychiatry when I was about 13 years old - I learned that only 2% of humanity possess an IQ higher than 130 and mine turned out to be 142. If the percentage has changed in the intervening decade and a half then it would likely be even lower now since the human species has greatly increased in quantity since, but certainly not in quality...

My intellect has usually proven perfectly adequate to evaluate information, in particular information that is very relevant to my personal life and health, which obviously is less than relevant to this lousy doctor.
In the end it was "Dr. Google" that saved my life, or rather saved me from losing much, much worse than only my life. The lousy orthopedist told me I'll probably have to live with my back pain and simply take painkillers as needed. I told him Ibuprofen and Diclofenac have no effect on it, and he prescribed me some sh*t called Meloxicam. Of course I informed myself about it - and found it can cause rapid weight gain as a side effect!!! I immediately returned it to the pharmacy. I have no words for how this bloody quack could have ruined my life in the worst ways imaginable!!!

It would be far, far preferable to die right here at this moment than to ever lose any bit of what I worked so hard for, all my life! Any amount of pain is preferable over taking the risk of such horrendous possible side effects!

I'm pretty convinced by now that the problem is with my left sacroiliac joint. Awareness alone of this may already help a bit, and so does warmer weather, and above all, faith.
In the end, it may not be related to my heavy lifting starting at very young age; there are some indications that I might have a disease. But in the end it makes little difference for now; at an early stage it couldn't be diagnosed directly, and I'll in any case just keep living the life of a warrior until it must end in the same way.
I will only ever become more and better than I am now, regression is unacceptable and is ruled out.
In the end it is another trial to prove that I have to, as always, take things into my own hands - this, and faith, is all! I can only ever trust in Father Satan and in myself, all else is fallacious.


Working on a new song already, here's a preview of my practice.