Friday, January 8, 2016

I don't negotiate with terrorists

Happy New Year!

So let's finally get to the blog I meant to have written for at least 10 million years or so - is it really this hard to get around to anything!?

It's SSDD, or rather SSDY, actually: "Same shit, different year."
On my search for truth I still find myself caught between idiocy and bullshit, as if there were no alternative!
I watched this video the other day and it made me so, so angry. I actually perfectly agreed with everything it said - until about minute 12:30. The screen says:

"Why do people with such ferocity cling to a belief in a mind-independent reality? It is surely because if there is no such reality, then ultimately (as far as we can know) mind alone exists. And if mind is not a product of real matter, but rather is the creator of the illusion of material reality (which has,in fact,despite the materialists, been known to be the case since the discovery of quantum mechanics in 1925), then a theistic view of our existence becomes the only rational alternative to solipsism."

Seriously, WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why is it always atheism versus theism? Why can't we ever have a seriously scientific discussion about things? Oh well, so if this is a war then I'm against BOTH!!!

I still agree with all the rest in the above video except for the unfortunate conclusion it jumps to - which is not a conclusion drawn from evidence; instead it really is just the fallacy known as Confirmation Bias.
They're doing the very same thing as the materialists really. The materialists set their "faith" in science, and since non-physical phenomena cannot be measured by any scientific instruments, the (false) conclusion is that nothing but matter can exist. The theists, on the other hand, use any and all evidence to the contrary as (false) proof for their f'ing dicktator. [< This is NOT a typo: god is both a dick and a dictator, hence a "dicktator". Because I say so.]

Why would you need a dicktator in order to have a soul?!
Why would you need a dicktator to have an afterlife?!
Why would the correct conclusion, that consciousness is fundamental to the universe rather than matter, imply a f'ing dicktator?!

Yes, being a Satanist, I do believe that the demiurge is a force that is manifest in the universe.
Three entries before this one I posted a video excerpt from Star Trek Voyager, saying that it gave me the impression that in this episode, Captain Janeway encountered the demiurge. Someone on Facebook later commented that he found this comparison strange because the alien says to the Captain, "you will nourish me for a long, long time!"
I replied to the person that this is the very reason why I made the comparison! And it really, really baffles me how people can NOT see this!

What else would you think that demiurge wants from you?! And I don't care whether or not it created the universe* and it really makes no difference - what it wants is to assimilate us, and for keeps!
It's not as if here on Earth only you have to live by its laws, and after you fulfilled your duty you'll be free - no, those laws are for keeps, too! Threatening you with eternal torture in Hell if you don't? It's a f'ing terrorist, it doesn't care what you want!
No, you have to stand up for what you want right now!
Don't negotiate with terrorists - or with a dicktator, for that matter

(* I'm not sure whether or not that dicktator created anything but leaning not - at least not all of it but possibly some shit on Earth, in particular the human mammal.)

 "Quantum Physics Debunks Materialism," so far, so good; I still agree with this much. But is there really nothing in between materialism and idiotic bible-thumping?!
If there isn't anything then it's time we made there something, and kicked out the demiurge!
Can't we agree that quantum physics points to a non-physical nature of reality, based on consciousness - who is with me?

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