Monday, October 30, 2017

Poltroon, come face me in battle!

A few entries down I still wrote it was a holy month - by now it seems that it's been the month of Murphy's Law, but no one had informed me about it in time.
Alright, to be fair, not quite everything went sideways, but some of it did in the weirdest ways - but that's classified, can't be talked about. Save to say that it's quite depressing, and I can't help wondering endlessly how things could have taken such strange turns.

But things could be worse, and to remind myself of it I took some selfies. I've had the idea for a long time and I wish I could do some more on-cam performance, but as it is, I have to take all pics in a mirror for there's no one else who could take them for me.

Here goes... Who's the "poltroon" I'm addressing? No one in particular actually, although certain con artists whose names I don't know and don't care to find out could well stand in, as their actions have cost me a lot. (They're certainly not artists but rather treating actual artists with disrespect, and there's a little pun in the former part of the word I used above.)

But what follows is mainly just me putting on my warrior face, expressing my ferocious nature and taking pride in how terrifying I am. Bragging? Ok, that too.

"You don't even look like a woman." - No, and I'm not.
"But you can't be a man." - No, and I'm not.
Not a woman, not a man. A warrior is what I am!
And a fierce protector too. The most loyal friend and most horrible foe!

Exaggerating much, are we, Diane? :D
I could have been a Klingon. ;)
I could have been a Viking. ;)

Most of all, an Amazon.

Tomorrow being the Sabbath night, I'm planning to make it a sacred night of ritual. Having no idea how it's gonna turn out I don't know yet whether or not I'll be writing about it here.
In any case, I wish a wonderful and magical Hallows Eve to all Sisters and Brothers in Satan, and to everyone who is dear to me!

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