Sunday, August 11, 2019

I beat the treadmill, but Bumpy bites again

Leg day once more, at my secondary gym which is farther from home but close to the park where I was going to visit my furry family again afterward.
It troubled me lately that my sprint performance has been so awful, and especially my tabata interval sets. The latter are done as follows: Run for 20 seconds, pause for 10 - and preferably do 10 of these intervals at the same speed, which for me is 20 kph; at least I had worked my way up to that, and it troubled me tremendously that the last few times I tried I hadn't been able to do more than 5 intervals before I had to either pause longer than 10 seconds, or reduce the speed. Time for euthanasia?
Well, we got new treadmills at McFit. And now my suspicion is that they're even faster than the old ones.
Because today at John Reed gym, I found that I had no trouble at all to finish all 10 intervals, and as a bonus to even make the last one 40 seconds instead of 20! I don't think I just had a sensationally good day for workout. I think the treadmills are different, and 20 kph on the one type are not equal to 20 kph on the other. And I'm not a worthless piece of shit after all, but still getting better than ever!

After taking a shower, my band aid had come off, which had been expected and I had brought another, and Povidone-Iodine to sterilize this latest bite again. Bumpy took a scrap of skin off my hand the other day.

Worst bite yet. Bumpy never targets me though, it always happens only when he jumps at someone else. Big Daddy also once bit me by accident lately when jumping at another black fellow who looks much like he might be Bumpy's brother. Rivalry between adult males. The sad thing about Bumpy though is that he will also attack the babies sometimes. He never is aggressive toward me, only when it comes to other nutrias he's quite antisocial. It seems that someone bit him back though. I couldn't see any blood, but which is unsurprising since he's in the water a lot; only the edge of a bit of torn skin on his back. I hope he'll be ok, he's probably been through worse. I've been thinking for a long time that the little bump in his tail, for which I've named him, most likely is from an old injury; his tail might have been fractured once. The little bump feels hard and bony but doesn't seem to bother him at all.

The above video was taken the other day, when that bite happened. Me being a big, strong warrior, I can take it. But what happened today was far worse, and I hope to Satan that the poor little baby will be fine.

It must be stressful for them that there frequently are such noisy festivals at the park. You can hear throughout the video how noisy it was! Maybe the noise and stress contributed to Bumpy's behavior, I don't know. Because it was all fun and games until he sadly bit one of the babies. Usually the babies are very quick to jump away, but this one sadly wasn't quick enough this time. I don't know how badly the baby was injured, but he seemed to be in pain. At first he sat by the edge of the pond, I could see him just breathing heavily, as in distress. It might have been just the scare, but my instinct tells me otherwise. Bumpy frequently attacks and chases everyone else, so they must be used to this already. I could sense this poor baby was in pain. Eventually he swam over to the island and sought shelter between those branches by the edge of the water. There was no blood. But a few weeks ago when Bumpy bit me on the leg I just had a big bruise there, and I hate to imagine what that same force of bite could do to those tiny bones in the hind leg of such a little creature. The much I love Bumpy, it really pains me that he would attack the babies.
I hope so much the little one will be fine!

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